Common Mistakes In Student-Produced
Video News Releases (VNRs)
Updated 15 May 2018
Too promotional -- Not really newsworthy.  Lacking a "news hook."  A good VNR takes a neutral tone that makes it look and sound like any other news story.  This does not mean that the VNR should not have a purpose: i.e. to introduce a new product or create awareness of a new service.  However, like a any news release, print or video, it will not be used if it does not have a perceived news value.

Over-produced --  There is often a tendency to add chyrons or music in an effort to "jazz" up the VNR.  That's the opposite of what broadcasters want.  They want something that is flexible enough to put their own imprint on, such as their own graphics package.  In short, if they can't make it look like their own production, they are less likely to use it.

Missing key elements --  A good VNR contains each of these elements:

"I forgot" --   By this, I mean that students have often forgotten or ignored the basics of picture composition and continuity they learned in J301 and J560.  The lessons of good broadcast writing in active voice are ignored.  Don't "do your own thing."  Stick to the basics.

Pictures don't match the words -- Because students often do not adequately plan their video shooting in advance, they often find themselves trying to "stretch" in the editing booth by using inferior or inappropriate video.

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